Saturday, February 16, 2008

Listening to the Spirit

Tonight, a 22 year old young woman was baptized a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I wasn't planning on attending the baptism but at the last minute our ward missionary leader phoned and asked me to lead the music- I have no idea how to lead music but I said I would (Once I arrived I secured another person to lead the music).
I noticed this sister was wearing slacks to her baptism, similar to the slacks she had been wearing to church each Sunday. I started to wonder if the MALE missonaries (leave it the guys to forget details) had talked to her about wearing a skirt or dress to church or if she just wasn't able to afford that right now. The spirit was very strong in prompting me to approach her, after her baptism, and offer to purchase a new outfit for her confirmation on Sunday. She gladly accepted my offer. Two other amazing sisters in my ward overheard me talking to her and wanted to come along for the fun. AND FUN WE HAD. The three of us ended up splitting the cost so we were able to purchase a new dress, shoes, slip and skirt for her. I blog this story for one remind me that we are able to perform the Lords errands when we are listening to the spirit. I am grateful for the opportunity that I was given to serve the Lord tonight.


Marne said...

Oh Ami. How sweet! I was sad I missed Jennifer's baptism. I have been assigned as one of her new visiting teachers. How neat it went so well. I can't wait to get to know her better.

Angie said...

Hooray I found your blog!!! Why are you the cutest thing ever? I love that story! I always have good intentions, but never follow through! Loving your blog-and the Hairspray pics!
PS-I know Sarah!!

iBcHiRo said...

Hey Ami. Mike Chan here. Long time no talk....what? 15 years? It was a nice surprise to hear from you. We're going to have to chat and catch up!