Friday, April 17, 2009

Where has the time gone?

It's been almost one month since my last post- i had no idea i was lagging. So much has happened........
1. we redecorated Quincy's room
2. we spent a week in seattle
3. i mentally dropped out of the 1/2 marathon, got back on board and dropped out is a good day- we'll see what tomorrow brings, after my long run. AND
4. we planted our first ever square foot garden
my memory card is bursting with pictures but i'm feeling overwhelmed with the idea of posting them. what's a blogging girl to do? my goal is to have them posted tomorrow-


nina said...

You disapoint me. I need more pictures.... You were the original blogger, remember? I am kickin' your hiney.

TamBaum said...

Let's get with it! I want to see the spray painted furniture.