Tuesday, January 27, 2009

You can't play with us!

Ok I know 3's a crowd and that kids can just be down right mean sometimes BUT this story is hilarious. Quincy was playing over at Bella's house with Bella and her cousin Anna. Today Anna came into the office, you know the place where Selina and I were lounging around eating our bon bon's and drinking our Pepsi, upset because Bella and Quincy weren't letting her in on the dress up action. Upon our investigation we learned this exclusion was really for Anna's own health.

Bella, " she can't play with us. I have shingles and Quincy has molluscum".

It's true. Bella does have shingles and Quincy does have molluscum- I guess Anna's out until some contagious skin disease appears on her body OR Quincy and Bella put their clothes back on.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Is this month over yet?

Ok I really don't want to leave my posterity with the impression that I am a pessimist BUT can I just say I really do dislike January. It's cold, drab, dreary days just seem to endlessly linger. By the end of the month I am so impatient for spring I can hardly stand it. However I know Spring is near. The Easter decorations that litter the store shelves, in January, fill me with hope and I can almost feel the sun warming my face. Anyways......
Well this weekend was about as fun as....oh let's see.......um........oh let's face it it wasn't fun at all and i can't think of anything clever to say. Friday night Reece ended up in the ER with severe abdominal pains. We were there from 11:00 p.m-2:30 a.m. NOT FUN. They took his blood, his temperature, his vitals, an x-ray, put a drip in his arm, drugged him with some morphine- to ease his pain, and at about 2:15 a.m. came back with the diagnosis. Compacted bowels. ARE YOU KIDDING ME- I wanted to scream. All this because of backed up POOP!!!!!!
The next morning Reece and I had a little chit chat about what foods he would start eating and what foods he would stop eating. NON negotiable. UGH!!!!!

Oh and in regards to that interview with the Stake President that I mentioned earlier......
Quinn was set apart as the new Elder's quorum President today. He's totally overwhelmed but he will do great. He has a great desire to serve and I'm excited for his opportunity.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

My how time flies- even if it's not all FUN!

I can't believe it's been almost two weeks since my last post. I'm starting to fall into the same bad habits that classified me as a "less than consistent pen and paper journal keeper". Life has been kinda crazy around here.
Sunday- Met with Stake President (more on that later). Noticed three red patchy dots on Reece's back but didn't think anything of it- chalking it up to eczema. I asked if they itched and he said no.
Monday- Martin Luther King Day - no school- is that really the best way to celebrate the life of Martin Luther King- I personally think he would want our children in school learning about current events but whatever..... Took the kids swimming at the YMCA. There were about 100 kids there as well. That night I noticed the red bumps, on Reece's back, had quadruppled. But still he claimed they didn't itch. Nonetheless we recruited pseudo doctor, Selina, for a diagnosis and sure enough they were chicken pox.
Tuesday- kept reece home from school and called doctor to see which one of my kids received the chicken pox vaccine. Reece- NO, Quincy- YES, Trey- YES. Huh wonder why? Watched history unfold. Met for bookclub and had a lively discussion about Obama's book, "Dreams of my Father", contemplated the current state of my country and my family and watched my favorite show, the biggest loser (how did i ever watch the tele pre DVR)? Oh I also spent the morning calling the parents of the friends that played with Reece during the last week. Too bad I didn't have the numbers to every child swimming at the YMCA that day.
Wednsday- Went to tile store to purchase supplies to complete the backsplash on the bathroom that was constructed a year and a half ago- i never said i didn't procrastinate. Picked up a homework packet for Reece.
Thursday- Went to the gym after missing 2 days, attended a temple session inspite of my extremely disorganized house, and assissted with scouts at Amber's house. Of course each day consisted of all the filler items that everday consists of ....ya know....dishes, laundry, scripture study, disciplining, preparing dinner,talking with friends, checking e-mail, paying bills, playing with kids, wishing the sun would come out....yadayadayada. I wonder what the weekend might bring.......

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Back to life back to reality....

This week has been AWESOME! Reece went back to school, Trey is back on his nap schedule and Quincy gets some "mom" time and seems to be suffering less from that pesky middle child syndrome. No pics to share just some funny updates that will embarrass my children when they read this, in book form, as adults.

Quincy, who has been the dentist's dream patient from day one, refused to open her mouth today for her cleaning. The hygienist, Carrie, and I tried to coax her mouth open to which she responded by clasping both hands tightly across her mouth. I told Carrie I didn't know what to do. Carrie didn't want to push her too hard either BUT guess who had an idea? Yup. big brother Reece. He walked over to the chair, plugged Quincy's nose and voila her mouth shot open. Reece volunteered to stand at the top of the chair holding her nose plugged until the cleaning was complete but Carrie and I both decided giving Quincy a little more time (one more month) would probably be less traumatizing. Funny Reece.

Trey walked in my bedroom, once again, while I was changing and expressed his concern about where my peanut (little boy anatomy part) had gone. He is obssessed with the fact that I lack that piece of anatomy. What would Freud say??