March 14th already???where does the time go? Reece started his spring season of flag football. First game=W. Second game = L. Being a spectator is sooooo cold. Where is spring?
Reece walking with his coach and teammates
Reece hiking the ball. The boys rotate all positions.
What's wrong with this picture? Besides the toilet seat is up and the counter is a mess? Where are the knobs to the cabinet doors and drawers you ask?
Where are these knobs???????
Mystery solved? Quincy's bedroom. Seriously this is a daily occurence with her. She goes around the house and takes off all the knobs. I never catch her red handed- I only notice when I try to open a drawer or door that they are missing. Should I be worried?
Okay so that cracks me up Your little girl already loves shiny things. I think Quinn should be worried! too cute
That is so funny!
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