Tuesday, March 9, 2010

An old journal entry and answer to prayers.

Elder Pinegar, from the Seventy, spoke to us at our stake conference a few weeks ago. He reminded of us of past counsel given regarding writing in our journals. He encouraged us to record those precious experiences that come into our lives as our prayers are answered so that when we are discouraged, which we will be from time to time, we can be reminded that Heavenly Father loves us and hears and answers our prayers. The other night I was feeling a little discouraged so I pulled out my journal (which I do NOT faithfully write in) and started reading some entries from 2002. I actually became more discouraged when I realized that some of the issues I am currently concerned about are exactly the same issues I worried about in 2002. Instead of serving as a tool to help me see how I had overcome some trial and received an answer to my prayer my journal acted as a slap in the face......I felt a sense of hopelessness as I was confronted with the fact that I was still trying to overcome the same trial 8 years later! I have been pondering this thought for several days now and found myself getting a little perturbed. Then as I was reading 1 Nephi 2- for the millionth time- I received a tender mercy from the Lord and the spirit gently guided me to see the errors of my ways. The spirit helped me to see that my own behaviorhal pattern, regarding this trial, has not changed for the last 8 years. DUH no wonder this trial is still plaguing me. I was also able to step back and see the situation with an eternal perspective rather than through a mortal lens. I know this trial will hang around-that's part of this life but I need to bear testimony of the hope that I found once I was able to soften my heart and allow the spirit to teach me.

1 comment:

Tiffani said...

Great post - thanks. I need to get back to journal writing. I use to be really good before my blogging.