Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Nursery, already???

Now that I am up and running with our new digital camera I am going blog crazy. It's so empowering to know how to download the pictures all by myself. And thanks to Marne- i now know how to actually manipulate the pics on my blog. Anyway, Trey went to nursery for his first official time on Sunday. I had mixed emotions. He's my baby so it was hard to see him walk into that room with all those other "big" kids. BUT since I teach gospel doctrine and Quinn works every other Sunday, it was nice not to have to worry about Trey during class. He did just great. I think it helps that he has older siblings and that he goes to the gym daycare on a daily basis. Don't be jealous of his Flaxseed, omega-3 spinach chips he's chomping on for a snack. They are actually pretty tasty. Food was our major concern regarding Trey and nursery. We just have to pack him a little allergen free snack and all is well.


Angie said...

Hooray for nursery! It is definitely bittersweet!(My husband will still not take my daughter!) Trey is too cute!!
PS- Love your new blog background....Did you have to pay??

Torrie said...

What a big boy! And so handsome too. I love the nursery. The first time I took Drew I remember thinking of all the things I could get done with two hours kid free. Too bad they don't have a nursery during the week. I will be glad when Avery is old enough for nursery--she's at the point where she can't sit still for the life of her. Only 8 1/2 more months to go!