Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Dollar Diet Day 13

Wednesday i babysit for a friend so that keeps me house bound. It's a good thing- i am not tempted to spend money and i get all the chores, which i despise, completed. i had to run to walmart for eggs and butter. while there i checked prices on a few items like; cereal, yogurt, frosting, bread, fresh fruit and canned black beans. WOW i can't believe how expensive everything is. I'm getting such cheap deals using my coupons and albertson's doubler's(when they come out) paying full retail-even at walmart- makes me feel sick. Betty crocker frosting at walmart is $1.67. I will get it, next week at albies, with all my coupons, for $.50. now do you see why $1.67 seems ridiculous. A box of wheaties fuel was $2.44 at walmart. i will get it next week at albies for $.50. Couponing nay sayers are truly missing the boat! anyways-I'm down to my last $30 BUT i only have 7 days left. we are stocked on everything so i should make it to the end of the challenge without going over budget. AND that is a WONDERFUL feeling.

1 comment:

Marne said...

good job!

thanks for the phone call. :)