Sunday, October 25, 2009

Attitude of Gratitude Day 3

1. Sweat pants
2. blankets
3. piano music
4. ears to hear piano music
5. church hymns
6. young women
7. soft chairs
8. pumpkins
9. windows
10. smiles
11. breathe right nasal strips
12. good gospel doctrine teachers that make you think
13. counsel to get out of debt-i might really be in over my head if the counsel wasn't constantly repeated!
14. coupons
15. dads who will take time out of schedule to coach my son's football team
16. warm fall days
17. gas heat
18. central air conditioning
19. online bill pay- i haven't purchased a stamp in months, maybe years.
20. level pay power bills- it helps make budgeting much easier.

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