Thursday, October 8, 2009

Three sick kids + one sick husband=priceless quotes

All three kids are sick-coughing, fever, headaches and a small microscopic amount of throw-up (we have Quincy to thank for this-she coughed so hard she kinda, sorda threw up a teeny tiny bit in the toilet, but in her mind she "THREW-UP"). To top it all off Quinn came home sick as well. Phew- i have my hands full-no gym for me this week. In their delirous fevered state two of these sickos have mumbled some really funny one-liners.

Quincy:" Lucky Reece, Lucky Trey-they get to be sick and not throw up". -this is so comical because again I don't think you can really constitute what she did as throwing up- but nonetheless she is convinced she has it the worst!
Quinn: (while i'm on the phone with Amber) "tell amber to have Brent (her husband) come over and give me a massage". What???? How much cough syrup and nyquil did you swallow there buddy?


amber said...

okay seriously, I am DYING laughing!!!! I read the post on "no grandchildren" and can't stop laughing! Love all your posts and love you! Thanks for the great laugh I really needed it. I think I will tell Quinn to get sick more often and to dope up more just to hear comments like that! :)

nina said...

I was just going ot call you to see how you were hanging in there. Sounds like good stuff to me. Why is it funny when Quinn is on cold medicine, but now when Pat is???

Anonymous said...

I happened upon this blog by accident. Thank you for taking the time.