Friday, October 30, 2009

Attitude of Gratitude Day 9

1. random acts of kindness- i went with some other gals in my ward to Costa Vida to celebrate a friend's birthday. At the register, the owner asked me why we were there. so i told him. He later visited our table to present a $10 gift card to the b-day girl- Can you believe that? I have been there for b-days before and that has NEVER happened. Thanks Costa Vida. I will eat with you more often.
2. chiropractors-a good friend and good practioner.- About 3:30 i could feel a migraine coming on- no time for that today! i phoned A+ chiropractic right up and Dr. Karl got me in. After my adjustment I got to lay on the massage table and my migraine was kept at bay.
3. Migraines- believe it or not feeling my pain helps me to be more empathetic with Reece when he gets his headaches and is screaming in pain.
4. movie passes at costco-you can save a bunch of money this way and still see the new releases.
5. a clean house-life is better for me when my house is clean.
6. mexican hot chocolate-it has that little extra kick.
7. alarm clocks-we would have slept right through Reece's football game this morning.
8. second chances.
9. propane heaters- especially on really cold days.
10. my cloth mop-it, with my help, mops up my tile floors squeeky clean.
11. fiber one bars-you can get 35% of your daily fiber in a yummy chocolatey bar.
12. babysitters that actually play with kids.
13. my chance to serve our neighbors (Bob and Corrine) who do so much for us.
14. saturday mail service.
15. free shipping.
16. the President-his desire to take away some of our freedoms has really helped me appreciate living in this choice land and all the freedoms i enjoy-i pray that America will continue to honor our Founding Fathers and the constitution AND that we won't see a "transformation" any time soon.
17. capitalism
18. the Free market
19. play-do. although i cringe at the thought of all the germs trapped inside that doughy substance it does keep my little ones occupied for some time.
20. miracles-they occur daily in my life and yours.

1 comment:

Marne said...

Loving your lists Ami! I decided I need to do this too. Keeps your mind and heart in the right place. Thanks for the example.