Thursday, October 29, 2009

Attitude of Gratitude Day 8 with a twist

1. garbage disposals
2. electricity
3. opc cinemas
4. public educators-they are underpaid and underappreciated, understaffed and undermined often, BUT the good ones can make all the difference in a child's life. I had some good ones.
5. temples
6. living so close to a temple
7. google
8. my US bankers-even though i don't have any money they treat me like i'm their favorite.
9. inexpensive southwest flights to seattle
10. fresh water
11. fish
12. flax seed- did you know you can substitute flax for eggs and butter in recipes? this is a life saver for our little guy with all his food allergies.
13. flannel sheets
14. fresh flowers
15. the stars ,in the sky, NOT hollywood.
16. journals
17. disposable diapers-sorry planet
18. pioneers
19. motorcycle helmets- unfortunately i witnessed, from a distance, a motorcycle get hit by a car yesterday and was so thankful that the bike rider was wearing his helmet. the rider appeared to be ok just shaken up a bit.
20. 20 MPH speed zones- this is probably the only reason the motorcycle rider was not seriously injured.

So here's the twist. Giving for what you are grateful for. Let me explain.......Gratitude was the topic of parenting class last night. At the conclusion of each class the instructor always gives us a homework assignment. Here's the homework from now until Christmas (and hopefully at that point it will become a habit)..........List three things, just 3, you are grateful for and then give for what you are grateful for. ie. if you list your home for something you are grateful for then invite a family into your home for dinner or dessert or games and share your home with them. if your children are on the list then make it a point to spend one on one time with each child so they know you are grateful for them. if the temple is on your list then increase your attendance. Get the idea?????

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