Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Attitude of Gratitude Day 6

1. Men and Women who risk their lives to protect my freedom.
2. The constitution- I believe the men who drafted the constitution were divinely inspired.
3. my dad-thanks for calling me and always asking how the kids and I are doing.
4. hot apple cider
5. field trips-kindergartners are so stinking cute!
6. Miss Clements-she is Quincy's teacher and she is GREAT!
7. No Bunny's Perfect- Trey's favorite bed time story
8. ear muffs
9. scarves
10. mittens
11. wool socks
12. toothbrushes
13. WINCO's orange chicken-it's as good as Panda Express BUT much cheaper
14. diet coke- sad but true
15. hot baths
16. hand sanitizer
17. sports caps-i hate doing my hair.
18. sunglasses
19. Nephi- a prophet in the Book of Mormon
20. Cannery

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