Monday, November 2, 2009

Attitude of Gratitude Day 11

1. a stranger's generosity
2. being on the receiving end of a smile
3. witnessing the miracles of tithing.
4. john Hilton III's book, Why. it's really informative.
5. friendly librarians-some of them are not so nice.
6. opportunity to drive and pick up kids to school.
7. a car big enough to squeeze in kid's friends
8. amy, the crossing guard at school. she makes sure the kiddos are safe.
9. my itchy blistery eczema is almost gone. YEAH!!!!
10. time to wash my families laundry.
11. dry cleaners-quinn wears shirt and tie everyday to work-i hate ironing!
12. dry cleaning allowance-thanks goodness quinn's work gives him a monthly dry cleaning allowance otherwise i would have to learn to love ironing.
13. duplicate checks.
14. yankees are winning the world series-quinn's baseball cards are selling on ebay!
15. honest individuals.
16. straws-my kiddos will drink anything from a straw, including green smoothies.
17. book reviews.
18. my DVR- how did i ever watch television without it.
19. a healed ankle-wed. i'm gonna start running again.
20. alternative healers. my pharmacist brother thinks i'm nuts BUT i'm still grateful for alternatives!

1 comment:

Tiffani said...

Thanks for sharing your lists Ami - you have motivated me to start writing down what I am thankful for. I loved reading all your items because it got me thinking outside the box.