Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Attitude of Gratitude Day 13

1. lawyers
2. a toddler who napped at just the perfect time today.
3. eating out- yeah i don't have to cook dinner tonight.
4. people with happy voices.
5. opportunity to try new things.
6. pickle ball-that's a fun game.
7. puzzles-
8. playing dominoes with the adults.
9. the ability to cook meals for my family-that eating out adventure cost us a lot of money.
10. snuggling with my kids.
11. ability to play the piano.
12. courage.
13. my children's innocence.
14. challenges
15. friends and family who have verizon.
16. pumkin chocolate chip cookies- yummy
17. opportunity to go walking with kids
18. a safe neighborhood to go walking with kids
19. national sex offender list-knowlege is power.
20. so grateful that none of my nieghbors are on the sexual predator list.

1 comment:

Tiffani said...

I enjoy reading your lists - you are so creative. I'm glad you like lawyers. And what is pickle ball?

I am copying you and making a daily gratitude list.