Monday, November 23, 2009

ranting and raving AND Gratitude

since this is MY blog and i feel like getting some stuff off my chest here it goes......
Adam Lambert-huge fan when he was on American Idol- one talented individual. Lost all respect last night after his performance on AMA. Couldn't even stomach the whole thing. After the first very inappropriate act, by him, we shut it off and vowed to never ever support him in any way. I guess the more important question i should ask myself is why was i even watching the AMA's in the first place. I don't really enjoy any kind of popular music and viewing the show was NOT an appropriate Sabbath day activity, in my opinion. I should have known better. The adversary really has his claws in deep. Scary times we find ourselves in these days. Then i hear that the healthcare bill passed the senate on saturday. did you know that our taxes will be paying for abortions? i am a pro lifer. if someone is stupid enough to have unprotected sex before or after they are married that IS their choice-of course there are the unfortunate circumstances such as rape or incest that warrant careful consideration but i don't believe that is the reason most abortions are performed. I don't want one penny i work for to supporting abortion in anyway. Where is my choice in that?
I have already mentioned this before BUT the two things I am most grateful for is my membership in and my testimony of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latterday Saints. I often wonder how i would navigate through life without my testimony and i don't think i would.

1 comment:

Marne said...

great post Ami! One reason we don't watch tv on Sunday. And I love it. It keeps all the crap out at least for one day a week. I have often thought I need to be stronger and not watch tv on other days of the week. I really don't watch much anymore in the evenings.