Monday, November 2, 2009

Attitude of Gratitude Day 12

1. steady paycheck- pay day was yesterday and quinn didn't get his. hopefully he'll get it today BUT it really made me grateful for all the paychecks that have come when they were supposed to.
2. free drug tests-at Reece's meridian PAL award ceremonies last night they gave out free drug test kits ($40 value). I'll just place it on the piano, as a reminder, for the next 15 years.
3. a mayor who is committed to a drug free community.
4. grateful today that reece realized i AM NOT the meanest mom.
5. loose change- it really adds up.
6. instant oatmeal
7. a good fitting bra-this makes all the difference
8. quinn found Reece's scriptures this morning.
9. conference addition ensign-i haven't received mine yet but i'm hoping today is the day.
10. drivers who yield
11. drivers who understand merging.
12. law abiding citizens.
13. kristi-the gym instructor-we had a great spin workout today.
14. les schwab tires
15. black spray paint-it can do wonders for an old piece of furniture.
16. creative people who share ideas.
17. my worn in sneakers
18. furniture to sit on
19. a bare laundry room floor-that means all the laundry is done for the week.
20. comments left on my blog-i love to hear other people's feedback-thank you.

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