Friday, November 6, 2009

Attitude of Gratitude Day 14

1. patient cashiers- i had a big day of coupon shopping.
2. finding everything in the store that is on your list.
3. unexpected catalina's (additional coupons)
4. one time courtesy reversal of overdrawn charges- there was a little mix up with Quinn and his personal bank account. he was overdrawn by $20.00 and the fees attached to that were $55.00- he doesn't normally use this account. thank you US bank for rewarding our 16 years of business.
5. my family ate all of their dinner tonight and didn't complain once. MIRACLE
6. good neighbor kids for my kids to play with.
7. make-up. it's such a wonderful thing-thanks tiffani for pointing that out on your list.
8. ability to stay within grocery budget.
9. calculators
10. cell phones with calculators.-
11. excel spreadsheets
12. quinn will take my kids to work with him so i can have some peace.
13. ability to read
14. my college degree.
15. ability to retain information.
16. gift to learn the gospel easily.
17. ability to get to know other's easily.
18. porch lights.
19. washed windows.
20. a working dryer- for a load or two i thought the heating element in the dryer had burned out but it seems to be working just now.

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